The #1 choice for high-performance mod bikes! Excited to offer the Velocity Stack developed by the team behind funny car World Champ Ryan Hodgson. They know performance!
Who is this intake for? The average rider looking for a tried and true, no-nonsense deep powder cold-air intake would still be well served to go with the C3 options, which handily meet the airflow consumption requirements for most engines in most scenarios. But, riders willing to spend extra to go all-out for performance, who are also probably picking up an exhaust package and an ECU and even more mods, won't be disappointed by the performance a properly tuned velocity stack can unlock!
Read on for more details (and check the FAQ tabs too):
- Flow bench designed, dyno tested, pulse wave tuned.
- Flowed incredible CFM resulting in huge HP gains, when paired with aftermarket exhaust and properly tuned ECU.
- Gains from 1 to 11 HP depending on bike combination. (C3's independent dyno tests ongoing and we'll post the actual curves when they're available)
- Made entirely of rubber to minimize condensation.
- Nitrous ports.
- Extensive hours of field testing.
- Compatible with stock and aftermarket ECU's.
My bike is stock, how much horsepower will I gain?
Unfortunately you will not magically gain 11 horsepower... Still, if you put the stack on a stock bike with stock ECU, the performance gain should still be noticeable. The biggest changes are not at peak, so is difficult to put a number on it, but we'll show our Dyno curves when the tests are done. However, the real magic comes when other mods uncover additional untapped potential...
So how do I get the 11 HP that Airforce talks about??
On heavily modded bikes, the intake can become the "weak link," so upgrading to this high-flow Velocity Stack can unlock big numbers! You're likely looking at some, if not all, of:
- deleting any factory restrictions (especially on KTM/Husky 500s)
- exhaust (RP RACE kicks butt compared to all the big names, because they're not worried about being AMA Supercross legal)
- high-lift cams with matched head porting (this is when you know you NEED an Airforce)
- big-bore
- hi-compression piston
- billet throttle body
- custom ECU tuning (C3 can help with this!)
- etc...
Below retrieved from airforcevelocitystacks.com

Q: Why is it made from rubber?
A: Made of rubber to minimize condensation, keeping the throttle body dryer, decreasing the chance of icing up.
Q: Does It have a place for the breather line?
A: If you believe you need to hook up a breather line just drill out the nitrous port and use a barbed fitting.
Q: What are the spacers for?
A: Spacers are for maximum performance depending on your bike. If you did not receive a spacer, do not worry, not all bikes require one.
Q: What if I never received a spacer?
A: Not all bikes require a spacer, if you never received one in your kit, you do not need one.
Q: When will stacks be ready for other brands?
A: Most popular brands already complete.
Q: Can it be used in the summer?
A: Yes, on asphalt ONLY the Outerwears is only a pre-filter. The stack will touch the side of the shock but should not be a cause for concern.
Q: The stack is touching bike plastic, what do I do?
A: Some trimming may be required, see installation video.
Q: The stack touches the side of the TSS, is this ok?
A: Yes.
Q: What are the ports on the side of the stack for?
A: These are nitrous ports, the only stack we could find in the market with this option.
Q: My cold air temp sensor wires do not reach, what do I do?
A: Take the tank off and reposition your wire harness.
Q: Why is the cage design shaped the way it is?
A: We worked hard to design a cage that flowed well, shed snow, and fit as many bikes as possible.
Q: Did you hurt any engines when testing your stacks?
A: We tested at a 27.00 barometer and we hurt no engines.
Q: Can I use two Outerwears?
A: Yes.
Q: How tight should the cold air temp sensor screws be?
A: They should be snug, they will not fall out. If you are concerned use silicone or Loctite.
Q: Why do you say use a C3-PLX ECU?
A: Stock engines do not require one, however it helps with over fueling. If you use a cam or a high compression piston you can add or take away fuel at certain RPM ranges.
Q: Can I use other outerwear brands?
A: We suggest using AEM or Outerwears brand. We have tested other brands and found they lost a significant amount of power.
ECU settings
For the BEST performance possible, come visit us in BC for a full custom-tuning day! Email to inquire.
For a more accessible solution, check this table for suggested Map and Trim settings on C3-PLX ECUs or other Vortex-box-based controllers:
Below retrieved from airforcevelocitystacks.com

450 |
NO |
554/1 |
450 |
445/6 |
490 |
555/3 |
500 |
NO |
554/2 |
500 |
445/6 |
520 |
553/3 |
610 |
NO |
976/3 |
610 |
997/4 |
That said, YES, the stack is compatible with your stock ECU, the gains will just be less than maximized.